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OFFGRID w/ Blvckmvnivc

  1. Tell us about yourselves in 5 words:
    Humble, driven, confident, friendly, ambitious.

  2. When did you decide to start taking Instagram “seriously”
    Within the first year doing Instagram so back in 2015, I quit my full-time job(s) and focused solely on social media.

  3. Has becoming “influencers” significantly changed the way you live?
    I get to travel a lot more than before which isn’t a bad problem to have, besides the incredible gifts you receive from different brands i remain very humble to get to call this a job is a huge privilege.

  4. When are you most inspired? Early in the mornings or late at night
    I’m a morning person for sure, but this lifestyle requires your constant attention so I can find myself being wide awake late at night inspired by something so I’ll get that good energy out before my head hits the pillow.

  5. Coffee or Tea?
    Coffee guy for sure, swear its power fuel daily. Although on a hot day I like to drink tea I don't know why but it seems to cool me off quicker than an ice-cold coke.

  6. What is your favourite movie?

  7. When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    Get ready for this one… I wanted to be a palaeontologist. (if you know, you know.)

  8. Would you ever live anywhere besides Manchester?
    Paris always felt like a second home, so if I could choose it would be there NYC or LA for the constant good weather.

  9. You’re going out for food, where do you eat and what are you eating?
    Anywhere that’s serving Italian food, come through with that Tartufo, truffle pasta yum!

  10. Currently celebrity crush?
    Gal Gadot, something about her in that Wonder Woman outfit ygm.

  11. Television show you’ve binged on recently?
    Million-dollar listing New York, just finished the LA version and waiting for selling sunset season 3 to start in August.

  12. What city do you want to visit the most?
    Tokyo, Japan.

  13. What’s your favourite fashion piece in your wardrobe?
    I love staple pieces, so I find myself wearing A LOT of hoodies from Represent Clothing, shorts from Cole Buxton and tees from Uniqlo, keep it simple.

  14. Who’s your favourite “influencer” or content creator? You can have more than one if you want
    My partner has always been vital to my direction since I switched up my style so she deserves credit, so thankful @katelanpell other creators you should check out are @kelbinlei @kenijima @wisdm @ndjolijean @eddluu there’s plenty more but imma keep it to those.

  15. Name a fashion trend you would like to see disappear forever?
    We live in a world where these trends are constant, they have their moment then they kinda disappear on their own, but to see super skinny fitted still around, you hate to see it.

  16. What’s your typical routine for a weekend served in isolation? (Given the Covid-19 situ)
    If there’s work to be done, set up the studio get my work done, finalise selections, edit the selections, order them into my schedule planner for the week(s) to come. If there’s no work it’ll more than likely be cuddles with my son Maddox-Jax watching whatever he wants which is usually anything Avengers, or Disney so I’m down for that.

  17. What’s your favourite brand right now?

  18. Favourite pair of shoes you own?
    Chicago Off-White Air Jordan 1.

  19. Jewellery? Yay or Nay? If yay, what’s your signature piece?
    It's a Yay for me, signature piece my riot Cuban chain from @vitaly, although you’ll always see my hands dripped with my good friend jewellery company @chainedandable.

  20. Would you rather never be able to eat your favourite 5 meals again or never be able to buy new clothes?
    20 mins early, make that impact, make an impression.